powershell get arguments
param (
[string]$server = "http://defaultserver",
[string]$password = $( Read-Host "Input password, please" )
Also in Shell:
- how to get the size of directory in linux
- get $home in ubuntu
- conda install from yaml
- aws ssm agent installed but does not show in managed instances
- How to Install a LAMP stack on a Linode Server
- git merge pushed commits
- debian 10 buster mysql
- gcloud cd /root permission denied
- git ignore file mode changes
- how to grep if the first letter is a character not a number
- display folder of path linux bashrc
- git return from detached head
- remove mongo lock file from centos 7
- turn on component via powershell
- powershell zip multiple files
- why all git pull create merge commit
- save account to git
- "git checkout -b" example
- shell set environment variable
- install dependencies @material-ui/lab/Rating
- grepper shortcut key
- msdos dir for subdirectories
- ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_pywrap_tensorflow'
- greater than certain value from pipe shell