refusing to merge unrelated histories git
git pull --allow-unrelated-historiesgit pull origin master --allow-unrelated-historiesfatal: refusing to merge unrelated historiesfatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
git pull --allow-unrelated-historiesI think its get sorted after using below command
>git pull --allow-unrelated-histories
Also in Shell:
- remove all files with no extention rm
- commit the add complete folder to github
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- loop through directories bash
- ubuntu passwordless sudo
- special bash variables
- git view stash
- install pygame
- date linux show millis
- open sketch file mac
- bash send to dev null
- copy folder from s3 to local
- how to manage github repository
- how to get specific lines of shell output
- mac brew: command not found
- sudo apt get install tomcat 9
- linux permanent mount
- how to set date in linux
- how to install enzyme
- git commands
- git merge branch
- linux create file
- install composer mac
- shell script to check the output of a file