remove git from project
rm -rf .git*
rm -rf .git/* Remove Git tracking from an entire folder/directory */
cd project-name // Navigate to the project directory
rm -rf .git // Remove git tracking
rm -rf .git
Also in Shell:
- recover lost file git
- fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
- install brew mac
- git prune while fetch globally
- ubuntu view disk space ec2
- ubuntu delete from ssh known hosts
- save android studio home bash_profile
- gatsby transformer remark
- how to deploy to netlify using git bash
- how to remove a pushed file from git
- how to insert a delimiter into an array powershell
- pod install ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
- grep capture group
- set feh wallpaper
- install ip addr on ubuntu
- grep
- how to fix the traceback error debian linux
- undercover mode kali
- git commands
- de shell script with administrative priverlages
- i dont have pip, hoow to install pandas
- linux ram drive
- powershell get date
- random in mac terminal