Run a command in the background witch automatically rerun Raw
if [[ $1 == "--non-background" ]]
sleep 120
screen -AmdS soulbot ./ --non-background
Also in Shell:
- doc.find is not a function
- installing git on mac
- remove directory and contents
- ubuntu logout
- installing react router dom with yarn
- comment in shell script
- git change remote origin address
- react native install
- error: eaccess: permission denied ionic
- a2ensite example.
- heic open linux
- update yarn
- dns_probe_finished_nxdomain linux ubuntu
- how to clone a specific branch from github that you are not working
- run mysql xampp shell
- linux permanent mount
- ubuntu install composer
- how to know if keras is installed
- how to set date in linux
- canging branch in git
- git bash Could not open a connection to your authentication agent
- macos homebrew unattended cask installs
- linux replace string in all files
- powershell add element to array