run powershell script from wsl bash
powershell.exe -File "c:\users\ray\Desktop\restorescreenres.ps1"
Also in Shell:
- linux check cpu usage
- read file using shell script
- hide hidden files mac
- how to add regex to ls
- force pull github
- grep docker logs
- cannot find lstdc++ ubuntu
- get random number shell script
- bash measure execution time
- rvm install
- vim compare 2 files
- install pytorch cuda 10
- php mysqldump terminal
- background script linux
- xbox 360 wireless adapter linux
- set git pull rebase default
- git merge pushed commits
- sound output raspberry pi
- como instalar ext-mbstring en ubuntu 18.04
- 1password cli install
- How to check the installed version of React-Native
- grep capture group
- create directory linux
- delete all local branches git