seeing all the installed apps i terminal
for app in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop; do echo "${app:24:-8}"; done
Also in Shell:
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- FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
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- npx create-react-app not working
- git authentication failed clone
- how to link a repo to a project on github
- powershell convert text 20MB to bytes
- ngbmodal angular 9 yarn install
- remove home icon ubuntu
- deploy to heroku
- ubuntu list running applications
- ubuntu stop process on port
- how to save environment variables ubuntu
- ubuntu nginx installation
- git diff show only files
- env variable bash
- npm install package globally
- bash call another script relative to current script
- find command also return directory names?
- install magento 2 command line composer
- how to insert a delimiter into an array powershell
- html webpack plugin