set git origin
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:/your-repository.gitgit remote add origin [email protected]:portfolio/space.space_name.git
Also in Shell:
- linux screen detach
- launch sublime from terminal
- apt remove ppa
- seeing all the installed apps i terminal
- linux merge two pdfs
- install react react testing library
- brew install
- git remove remote file keep local
- check os shell liunx cygwin darwin
- android studio kvm is required to run this avd
- remove debian gnu/linux - continue with install process
- Error while finding module specification for 'virtualenvwrapper.hook_loader' - ubuntu 20
- fatal: invalid gitfile format
- laravel make migration
- ansible only disable service if installed
- raspbian start gui manually
- Linux Mint reset xfce-panel
- grep line number in linux
- Could not install Visual Studio Build Tools.
- bootstrap node install
- github graphql query to get your repos
- linux restrict process network access
- git create master branch in empty repository
- git bash anaconda