setup github password terminal
$ git config credential.helper store
$ git push
Username for '': <USERNAME>
Password for 'https://[email protected]': <PASSWORD>
Also in Shell:
- greater than certain value from pipe shell
- 'node-sass' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
- bash find files or operator
- search for files in linux terminal
- abbreviated stat for git
- save account to git
- git config username
- setup github password terminal
- extract tar.xz ubuntu
- git rename file
- git create master branch in empty repository
- install homebrew ios
- change git remote
- install glesv2 and egl library
- linux loop over all arguments one by one
- git delete tag name
- bash check if process is running by name
- laravel create model and migration
- git flow feature
- delete branch git
- install poetry
- add git user and email
- sudo apt-get update
- git bash upstream branch change