single line comment in shell script
# This is a Bash Single Line Comment.
echo "This is Code" # This is an inline Bash comment.
Also in Shell:
- clone a given branch github
- using regex in bash conditional statement
- build file.go ubuntu
- install sl
- linux screen brightness command line
- git remove commit from local
- recover a merged commit git
- enzyme npm install
- pip upgrade
- rvm install
- git remove file from history
- only show first lines linux
- copy contents of multiple files to one file powershell
- ubuntu view disk space ec2
- sound output raspberry pi
- git search all branches
- linux install ifconfig
- bash set environment variable
- Linux Mint reset xfce-panel
- how to make a shell in c for beginners
- set git pull rebase default
- change remote to use ssh git command
- start-process id powershell
- linux add alias