sudo apt get install tomcat 9
< role rolename=" manager-gui" />
< role rolename=" admin-gui" />
< user username=" admin" password=" password" roles=" manager-gui,admin-gui" />
Also in Shell:
- add user to sudoers
- how to totally uninstall prettier
- package 'mana-toolkit' has no installation candidate
- create super user in django
- mvn clean install skip test
- ttys003 on mac bash
- How to Install & Run CodeIgniter Framework
- bash remove random files from directory
- canging branch in git
- ubuntu virtualbox 1920x1080
- install react react testing library
- how to install enzyme
- tree process linux commnad
- code to change the mac address kali linux
- docker to sudoers
- add user linux
- install pgcli linux
- brew minikube custom version install
- grep remove duplicates
- installing git on mac
- search by message git
- remove all files with no extention rm
- deny directory listing htaccess
- remove home icon ubuntu