tar unpack
tar -xzf packed.tar.gz
Also in Shell:
- how to install pytorch 0.4.1
- read text file command prompt
- linux create file
- install kubernetess on mac
- Gem::LoadError : "ed25519 is not part of the bundle. Add it to your Gemfile."
- github undo last pushed commit
- laravel create model
- a2ensite example.
- 'node-sass' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
- powershell active directory script examples
- install node js ubuntu
- how to install react native
- powershell parameter
- check installed packages apt-get
- linux zip a directory
- git push to heroku
- search by message git
- installing react router dom with yarn
- grep remove duplicates
- how to upload existing project to github
- conda activate env
- rec: command not found
- i dont have pip, hoow to install pandas
- loop through directories bash