terminal italics test sequence
echo -e "\e[3mfoo\e[23m" # test for italics
Also in Shell:
- tar unpack
- git init at wrong folder
- mvn clean install skip test
- unknown type name 'CDVUIWebViewDelegate' CDVUIWebViewDelegate* _webViewDelegate;
- install gulp gulp-util exited with code 1
- tree process linux commnad
- git clone different name
- How to check the installed version of React-Native
- how to know if keras is installed
- linux compress a pdf
- bash send to dev null
- shell script to check the output of a file
- how to see all branches in git
- github undo last pushed commit
- babel json loader
- only show first lines linux
- copy folder from s3 to local
- install react native navigation stack
- powershell add element to array
- search by message git
- linux write
- git delete remote branch error: unable to delete remote ref does not exist
- revert last merge git
- visual studio code ubuntu