turn of raspberry
# in raspberry shell type:
sudo shutdown now
Also in Shell:
- remove file from stage git
- dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
- .htaccess
- check the linux distribution
- env variable bash
- install pipenv on kali linux
- pause powershell script until keypress
- vim compare 2 files
- powershell parameter
- command to install react cli
- Running modprobe bridge br_netfilter failed with message: ip: can't find device
- ubuntu zip file
- grep search for text in php files recursive
- npm move package from devdependencies to dependencies
- install jquery
- installing rspec gemfile
- install strapi cli
- get random number shell script
- check if kubernetes is running
- how to install vue in laravel
- diff files in different repositories
- undo commit
- disable swap ubuntu 18.04
- delete a github repository using bash