ubuntu camera not longer found
modprobe <name of the device>
Also in Shell:
- git ubuntu store credential
- git stash command with name
- homebrew install mac
- deletar branch
- bash if file contains string
- silent install google chrome powershell
- flutter not finding android sdk
- git worktree
- git push
- cmd create rar file
- linux find file
- virtual host apache
- install emotion
- how to remove git directory in terminal
- install maven homebrew
- install docker ubuntu
- cd git bash
- ssh tunnel port
- how to execute a file in ubuntu by double click
- viewing ubuntu desktop from windows in the same network
- make a batch file that accepts pipe input
- bash run last command as sudo
- Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...reate-hmac-1.1.2.tgz"'
- check apache version ubuntu