ubuntu remove git from folder
rm -rf .git
Also in Shell:
- git ignore file mode changes
- how to get out of git og
- run specific script with an other user linux
- git diff two commits one file
- git cherry pick commit
- installing helm v2 and tiller on minikube
- add-apt-repository
- install sklearn
- search by message git
- Gem::LoadError : "ed25519 is not part of the bundle. Add it to your Gemfile."
- save android studio home bash_profile
- git remove folder form past all commits
- force pull github
- npm install express-handlebars
- bash generate random number between
- bash date variable format
- pip3 not found
- ubuntu googls drive setup
- pygame not installing in ubuntu 20.04
- setup mysql ubuntu
- linux memory cache clear
- serverless invoke local file
- search a tag git
- Habilitar la ejecución de scripts para Powershell