ubuntu server does not run scripts
First, ensure your script begins with the correct hash-bang,
e.g. #!/bin/bash
Then make sure the .sh file is executable -
Open a terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T or from the applications menu
Navigate to the location of the .sh file. e.g.
cd ~/location/to/my/file
chmod u+x <file name>.sh
, or if permission is an issue,
sudo chmod u+x <file name>.sh
and enter your password to confirm
Alternatively, you can right-click the .sh file from the file
browser and update permissions via the Properties option
Also in Shell:
- extract a tar.xz file linux
- ubuntu list running services
- install redux
- Amazon Linux 2 AMI install docker
- bash send to dev null
- install ip addr on ubuntu
- git discard staged changes
- how to deploy to netlify using git bash
- undo unstaged changes git
- linux zip all folders except one
- how to insert a delimiter into an array powershell
- how to remove a pushed file from git
- how to convert ts to mp4 with ffmpeg
- git file reset to head
- heroku cli
- latex number listing as equation
- git create new branch from current
- git remove folder remotely
- powershell upgrade
- brew install ngrok
- get random number shell script
- bash grep and sort
- how to uninstall a package with yarn
- ubuntu install opencl