undo git pull origin master into feature branch
# shows every {ID}, position of HEAD in last 30 days (by default)
git reflog
# reset to that specific commit
git reset --hard <specific_id>
Also in Shell:
- bily-101 github
- how to push to git hub
- choco installation
- linux multiline commet
- pip command not found macos
- rustup
- uninstall webpack globally
- install kubernetes on ubuntu
- command to know disk ussage in ec2 instance
- git clone with username and password
- bash ls exclude file
- ngb-tabset install
- default root password ubuntu 18.04
- django flush sessions on server startup
- terminal delete directory not empty
- git clone a specific commit
- ubuntu virtual machine
- branch list in git
- Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script.
- start a local SMTP debugging server in linux
- grep regex negation
- show output after a keyword in shell script in a file
- get full path of files in directory linux command
- bash check if process is running by name