update yarn
yarn upgrade --latest# Windows
choco upgrade yarn
# MacOS
brew upgrade yarn
Also in Shell:
- utorrent on ubuntu
- ubuntu du sort by dir size
- how to create a new group in linux
- git discard all unpushed commits
- install angular on mac
- install magento 2 command line composer
- vim compare 2 files
- gatsby transformer remark
- apt uninstall
- how to apply a svn patch git
- ffmpeg change audio codec from m4a to mp3
- git how to work with remote branch and fork
- git create master branch in empty repository
- linux zip all folders except one
- how to install axios in react
- run python program from command line
- Running modprobe bridge br_netfilter failed with message: ip: can't find device
- powershell get arguments
- git stash save name
- shell hide tab
- how to install php
- install phantomjs
- cmd find file dir
- how to deploy to netlify using git bash