visual studio code ubuntu
sudo snap install --classic codesudo snap install --classic code # or code-insiders
Also in Shell:
- bash check if process is running by name
- mvn clean install skip test
- ubuntu chmod codes
- how to merge git branch to master
- remove directory and contents
- kill a port
- how to create a shortcut ubuntu
- particular screenshot in ubuntu
- linux check ip address command
- install chrome ubuntu server
- poop
- how to run shell script
- conda install keras
- long term projects for java learners
- Add correct host key in /c/Users/user/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this messag e
- how to totally uninstall prettier
- create a docker file
- inicializar as credenciais no git
- powershell create service
- driver hosts file
- Pyrit download command for linux
- debian install vim
- react quill
- linux see when file created