why all git pull create merge commit
git pull --rebase
Also in Shell:
- how to find the path of a command in linux
- docker logs tail
- hyper-v powershell add scsi DVD
- create exe installer
- npm install react
- how to install emotion in gatsby
- delete git origin
- how to connect to the database as root user in linux
- powershell add element to array
- node install ubuntu
- add description to commit git
- git proxy
- check powershell version
- react-devtools agent got no connection
- git diff two commits one file
- install phantomjs
- powershell zip multiple files
- aws ssm agent installed but does not show in managed instances
- how to check if ip is up bash script
- how to manage github repository
- git push to branch
- bash grep and sort
- docker how to echo env variable in bash
- angular install ngx-bootstrap