windows flush dns
ipconfig /flushdns
Also in Shell:
- docker remove all images powershell
- gatsby image
- ubuntu delete a symbolic link
- terminal delete fle
- react navigation install
- react-devtools agent got no connection
- cmd rename multiple files
- yarn add global
- git remove commit from local
- fatal: 'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository
- pytesseract
- check disk space linux
- npm install express-handlebars
- git pull
- how to change dotnet version
- install terminator in ubuntu
- how to check if pip is installed
- bash get first argument
- time machine faster
- linux command to check memory usage in percentage
- git bash Could not open a connection to your authentication agent
- zsh: command not found: react-native
- react testing library
- centos 7 install docker compose