zip file
zip file1.txt file2.txt
Also in Shell:
- angular new project
- npm install express-handlebars
- update to wsl2
- change git commit message
- docker alpine create user and group
- whats the internet
- convertingwav to mp3 linux ffmpeg
- installing helm v2 and tiller on minikube
- start mariadb on linux terminal
- bash generate random number between 1 10
- git remove added file to commint
- add a line at the end of a file linux
- cmd rename multiple files
- disable swap ubuntu 18.04
- powershell string with quotes
- install cocoapods
- git proxy
- unzip a tar.gz file in linux
- how see my user name mac terminal
- docker build from github repository
- install imutils
- composer install without dependencies
- how to delete a package in ubuntu
- install jake