ue4 c++ overlapping functions cpp setup
// Set this actor to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
LightIntensity = 3000.0f;
PointLight = CreateDefaultSubobject<UPointLightComponent>(TEXT("Point Light"));
PointLight->Intensity = LightIntensity;
PointLight->bVisible = true;
RootComponent = PointLight;
LightSphere = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(TEXT("Light Sphere Component"));
LightSphere->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &ALightSwitchTrigger::OnOverlapBegin);
LightSphere->OnComponentEndOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &ALightSwitchTrigger::OnOverlapEnd);
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