powershell start a process and wait for it to finish
$proc = Start-Process -Wait -FilePath $procPath -ArgumentList $argument
do{sleep 1}while(Get-Process -Name $procName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Also in Shell:
- installing caddy server in ubuntu 18
- find exclude hidden files
- pip upgrade package
- desktop trigger click bash shell ubuntu
- install chromedriver linux command line
- start-process id powershell
- list user groups linux
- install tmux ubuntu
- create a zip file in linux
- wget git bash
- comment in shell script
- numpy uninstall anaconda
- git checkout branch
- linux command for file size
- redirect folder to 403
- raspberry specific kernel version
- install mongodb mac stack overflow
- CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly
- install sailsjs
- git reset keep changes
- list all users linux
- dnstwist kali linux
- gatsby transformer remark
- mac cleanup github