multi line comment in shell script
# This is a comment in Shell/Bash Script.
# '#' Symbol is used show a comment.# Multi Line Comment
: '
This is a
very neat comment
in bash
Also in Shell:
- Title
- Habilitar la ejecución de scripts para Powershell
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- Shell
- Title
- flasky fake
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- Shell
- Title
- how to revert to log in git
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- Shell
- Title
- netstat column headers
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- Shell
- Title
- git add
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- Title
- git grep across all branches
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- Shell
- Title
- count occurrences of word in file linux ignoring case
- Category
- Shell
- Title
- heic open linux
- Category
- Shell
- Title
- how to connect to the database as root user in linux
- Category
- Shell
- Title
- install seaborn
- Category
- Shell
- Title
- ignore git ignore
- Category
- Shell
- Title
- vim compare 2 files
- Category
- Shell
- Title
- npm list global packages
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- Shell
- Title
- how to uninstall react native cli globally
- Category
- Shell
- Title
- linux command to list directory size
- Category
- Shell
- Title
- How do I see which version of Swift I'm using
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- Shell
- Title
- CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly
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- Shell
- Title
- npm install @angular/fire firebase –save
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- Shell
- Title
- install yarn in react native
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- Shell
- Title
- vagrant 16
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- Shell
- Title
- wheres i3 config file
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- Shell
- Title
- bash tee stdout and stderr
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- Shell
- Title
- reset branch on local git
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- Shell
- Title
- install jupyter
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- Shell
- Title
- ansible-galaxy install to specific directory
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- Shell
- Title
- gatsby starter hello world
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- Shell
- Title
- linux convert png favicon
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- Shell
- Title
- github graphql query to get your repos
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- Shell
- Title
- git delete stash
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- Shell
- Title
- powershell get arguments
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- Shell
- Title
- How to find your ip on debian linux wsl
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- Shell
- Title
- ubuntu add user to group
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- Shell
- Title
- ubuntu install opencl
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- Shell
- Title
- mkdir multiple directories
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- Shell
- Title
- upgrade node version
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- Title
- react quill
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- Shell
- Title
- linux command for file size
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- Shell
- Title
- store result of command in variable bash
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- Title
- intel pinning threads
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- Title
- git config --global http.sslverify "false" This command resolve my problem
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- Shell
- Title
- How to download Citrix Workspace for Ubuntu
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- Title
- set remote url git
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- Title
- How to find cmake version in ubuntu?
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- Title
- linux select pages from pdf
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- Title
- git cherry pick
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- Title
- timedatectl
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- Title
- conda install mmcv
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- Title
- docker build
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- Title
- gparted ubuntu
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- Title
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- Title
- install mariadb-server rpm
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- Title
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- Title
- install sl
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- Title
- how to install rclone as service on windows
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- Title
- error: src refspec master does not match any. git
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- Title
- how to check in which brach we are in git
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- Shell
- Title
- disable monitor on boot linux
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- Shell
- Title
- install pandas conda
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- Title
- virtualbox kernel driver not installed ubuntu
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- Shell
- Title
- install chromedriver linux command line
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- Shell
- Title
- how to uninstall npm package
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- Shell
- Title
- git init
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- Shell
- Title
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- Title
- linux find files without string
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- Title
- how to use sass in react without eject
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- composer install ignore platform reqs
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- Title
- ubuntu activate venv
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- Title
- vagrant ubuntu 16.04
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- Title
- grep
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- Title
- git command autocomplete
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- Title
- GVfs metadata is not supported. Fallback to TeplMetadataManager.
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- Title
- join linux to ad domain
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- Title
- force pull github
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- date command in linux
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- git push set upstream
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- git gss
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- linux install ping
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- does Ubuntu MATE have ssh
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- how to install gulp
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- unknown type name 'CDVUIWebViewDelegate' CDVUIWebViewDelegate* _webViewDelegate;
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- how to upgrade maven in linux
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- Title
- how to insert a delimiter into an array powershell
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- Title
- show directory size linux
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- Title
- git host key verification failed
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- install expo cli windows
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- clone repository git
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- docker alpine create user and group
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- check running process in linux
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- git clone repo with name
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- how to run a create-react-app server
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- git pull onbly submodule
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- linux tar zip folder
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- how to know free space in linux
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- install tmux ubuntu
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- Title
- github undo last pushed commit
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- Title
- undo git pull origin master into feature branch
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- Title
- update yarn
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- Shell
- Title
- remove home icon ubuntu
- Category
- Shell